I wanted to know as well, suppose Tik can, as he's got his BS degree majoring in engineer....and Thailand used to be an Great Britain colony, so people who receive high education as uni. should speak fluent english...i suppose... besides it is said Tik was born into a middle class family if not a wealthy family....someone can shed some light on it?
i believe the answer is yes and no. he probably can read & write better than making conversation. if u recalled he wrote the message to the chinese fans. the message have grammatic error.
原帖由 dickyboy021490 于 2008-7-15 13:02 发表 6 A/ }) D5 k9 o; Ni believe the answer is yes and no. he probably can read & write better than making conversation. if u recalled he wrote the message to the chinese fans. the message have grammatic error.